Mageia 2 release will be delayed a bit.
After the announcement of the release dates for major projects like GNOME or KDE, we decided to postpone the final release of Mageia 2 to 2012 May, 3rd so that we can integrate the last stable versions and provide better quality for your favorite distribution.
So here is our new planning:
- Alpha 1: 2011 Nov. 16th
- Alpha 2: 2011 Dec. 14
- Alpha 3: 2012 Jan. 12
- Beta 1: 2012 Feb. 21
- Versions freeze: 2012 Mar. 7
- Development String freeze: 2012 Mar. 7
- Artwork freeze: 2012 Mar. 10
- i18n freeze: 2012 Mar. 10
- Beta 2: 2012 Mar. 15
- Releases freeze: 2012 Apr. 7
- Release Candidate: 2012 Apr. 10
- Final Release: 2012 May 3
See you then for the first alpha in 3 weeks!
Good \o
Take all the time it deserves. Better a good stable one than an unstable quick released.
Here here!
I agree! This is a good move. Take all the time it takes and more. Doing upgrades is a lot of work. We want it to at least be worth it. Trying to meet arbitrary dates is foolish. It will be ready when it is ready.
I’m looking forward to see Mageia 2. Still need to replace my macbook pro Mandriva 2011 install with it
I was pretty impressed with Mageia 1 when I took it for a test drive at the beginning of the month. I’ll definitely be keeping an eye on Mageia 2, and it’s good to know you are more concerned with quality than with strict release dates.
Keep up the great work, and thanks.
I perfectly agree! Quality and innovation first of all!
According me it would be good to introduce some rough sketch what is planned for Magea 2.
Well planning.
I have been running Mageia 2 because of an error in the update process and found it unstable, so I went back to Mageia 1, which is OK.
Mageia 2 is not released yet. You may have tried Cauldron version which is Mageia development version. It can indeed be quite unstable.
same happened to me
but i really like the bleeding edge experience of cauldron
of course once you loose sound then it comes back… but i know why those things happen and i accepted it…
in any case i would really hope that in the future it will be possible to update from x86 to amd64 and also downgrading from mageia 3 (cauldron) to 2, to avoid unstable systems as the original poster experienced.
im looking forward to the release of mageia 2. its sad it will come later ;-), but that is for a very good reason!
keep up the great work! thank you all!
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Looking forward to Mageia 2, Have been using M1 as my main OS since it’s release and have had no problems with it whatsoever. I was a dedicated Mandrake/driva user since 5.3 and I left mandriva with the original dev team, following them right into Mageia1. (as an end user of course ).
I love the fact that Mageia updates a lot of things that Mandriva never did till a new release…like Firefox for example.
I hope a revision of Mageia 1 before Mageia 2, for example Mageia 1.1 which solves the main problems of Mageia 1 installation. But nothing. It’s a pity.
We are talking about releasing updated ISOs for Mageia 1, but as we are still a small team we have to take the available manpower into account.
Also I don’t know what the “main problems” of Mageia 1 are?
I know there are quite some bugs but we also did resolve quite a lot of them.
So if you like to help us, do so by filing bug reports or by joining one of the teams and work on those problems…
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I love mageia 1 install to config to available developers tools and emulators
I also think it’s good to wait for the updates, provided they are stable.
But personally, I’m a fan of Xfce since the premature exit of KDE4.
Xfce will soon upgrade to version 4.10 ( ).
Currently I feel that Xfce is behind in Mageia. Several bugs are awaiting solution, even temporarily.
Take the the team with your team we all see an stable release then an quick release with an lot of errors, i also want to see an better firewall with more features like interusion detection, rule adding, modify rules etc. But Mageia 1 rocks and is stable keep the well done work up.
Have down loaded Mageia 1 live and like it very much. I am running Mandriva 2010 Spring at the moment so no need to change yet, but I am looking forward to the release of Mageir 2 in May 2012 and I think that may well be my favorite distribution in future.