After some days spent on bug hunting with QA team, alpha 2 isos are finally ready to be tested.
Alpha 2 comes with a full set of isos. As usual you will find 2 DVDs using classical installer and a dual arch CD. Live isos are also available, using now OverlayFS: 2 32 bits Live CDs only in English and 4 multilingual LiveDVDs (32 and 64bits). This is a result of a discussion in Mageia community to rethink our current set of isos. We still have some work to do in installer to propose non-free drivers installation.
More information about Mageia 3 alpha 2:
- Mageia 3 alpha 2 release notes and errata
- Developement roadmap
- Mageia 3 features
- Download
We need your report now to improve this new version.
Pingback: Mageia 3 alpha 2 available for tests
Pingback: Depois de uma boa caça aos bugs, Mageia 3 Alpha 2 está disponível! | Mageia Blog (Português)
Pingback: После исправления множества ошибок вышла Mageia 3 Alpha 2 | Mageia Blog (Русский)
Pingback: Bir güzel hata avı sonrası, Mageia 3 alpha 2 çıktı! | Mageia Blog (Türkçe)
Pingback: Mageia 3 Alpha 2 disponible
Pingback: Después de una buena caza de fallos, ¡ya está Mageia 3 alpha 2! | Mageia Blog (Español)
Pingback: Mageia 3 Alpha 2 disponible | El Blog de Rigo
It would be very nice to have a link to the folder containing the .iso files…
You are right. Link has been added in blog post.