Announcing upcoming Mageia 5.1 ISOs and an update on Mageia 6 progress

It is likely not news to you that we are behind the original schedule regarding Mageia 6.
As a community-led distro with a limited amount of resources and contributors, we stand by “Release when it’s ready” and don’t want to rush a release out until we are fully happy with it. Obviously, we are not yet fully happy with Mageia 6, though it is shaping up pretty well! On the other hand, we are still very pleased with Mageia 5 and want to continue supporting it until Mageia 6 is ready to take over.

Upcoming Mageia 5.1 ISOs

Because of this delay, we will release updated ISO images of Mageia 5 to bridge the gap until Mageia 6 is ready.

The new Mageia 5.1 ISOs will include all the security and bug-fix updates released for Mageia 5 so far, including an updated LTS kernel (4.4.x) for improved hardware support.

Like it was done for Mageia 4.1, this does not constitute a new release per se, but an easier way to install an up-to-date Mageia 5. Existing Mageia 5 users won’t have to reinstall anything, as their up-to-date system is already the same as what the 5.1 images would install. New users, however, would
benefit from having the well-tested kernel 4.4 from the start, instead of starting with the original kernel 3.19 of Mageia 5.

We will likely extend the support period for Mageia 5 to cover at least 3 months of transition after the Mageia 6 release. The exact updated end-of-life date will be given when the 5.1 ISOs are released.

Infra back on track for Mageia 6

There have been some infrastructure issues causing delays to getting ISOs to build, which particularly impacted the internal testing for Mageia 6’s stabilisation snapshot 2 over the last few months. These have now been mostly resolved, and our ISO building team (and its new recruits!) will have the opportunity to fine tune the process with the updated Mageia 5 ISOs, before going back to Mageia 6.

The delays have allowed for newer versions of some key software stacks to be included. Plasma has matured a lot and gained stability and feature completeness over the last few months, and we will be able to ship Mageia 6 with Plasma 5.8 LTS. We will also include GNOME 3.22 which is currently being prepared for Cauldron.

Packagers and developers toiling on release blockers

The main reason for Mageia 6’s delay is, of course, the remaining blocking bugs (so called release blockers) that we don’t want to compromise on fixing before the release.

Packagers and developers are currently working to fix the remaining release blockers. A new tool has been promptly developed in Mageia App DB to help visualise the progress on the current release blockers. We hope to have the second stabilisation snapshot available soon after the Mageia 5.1 ISOs are released, likely sometime in October 2016. As for the final release, we do not want to give a precise ETA yet, but we should manage to make a 2016 release 🙂

As always, many hands make light work, so if you’re interested in ISO testing, QA, packaging or just want to get involved with Mageia, please have a look here for further details on getting involved.

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15 Responses to Announcing upcoming Mageia 5.1 ISOs and an update on Mageia 6 progress

  1. JanKusanagi says:

    I’ve recently switched to Cauldron again, and I have to say: great job!

    I’ve found barely any problems, and Plasma 5.8 beta is working pretty great. Thanks for all your had work! =)

  2. Pingback: Kommende Mageia 5.1 ISOs und Neuigkeiten über den Fortschritt von Mageia 6 | Mageia Blog (Deutsch)

  3. Pingback: Próximamente ISOs de Mageia 5.1 y novedades en el progreso de Mageia 6 | Mageia Blog (Español)

  4. Pingback: Оголошуємо про наступний випуск образів ISO Mageia 5.1 та оновлення у поступі до Mageia 6 | Mageia Blog (Україна)

  5. Pingback: Mageia 6 se retrasa pero mientras tendremos Mageia 5.1

  6. Pingback: Anunciamos a ISO da Mageia 5.1 e o progresso da atualização da Mageia 6 | Mageia Blog (Português)

  7. Gab Alba says:

    Thank you for not rushing the M6.
    So far great job with M5!

  8. Klin Tang Fu says:

    Will Mageia 6 be release for fosdem?

  9. Pingback: Links 20/9/2016: GNOME 3.22 Preview, Absolute 14.2 Released | Techrights

  10. Scott says:


    Seriously, STOP. Game companies do this all the time and it’s freaking annoying, and means A) You are trying too something too ambitious and/or B) You are very bad at judgment calls, even on simple stuff like schedule estimates.

    We want 6, not 5.1, like you originally promised. Every week and month you delay there are more and more people who decide to use something else, because the longevity of this project looks suspicious.

    • schultz says:

      So would you rather a realise that isn’t ready?

      I can completely understand the frustration, but at the same time, having a good release is far more important than one that is too a date.

      • Scott says:

        Next time, don’t publish any release dates if you can’t meet them. Don’t even say “Q3” or “Late Summer” or “2nd Half 2016″….don’t say anything. Just annoying.

    • Rus says:

      Scott… I think it is both rude and a sign of spoiled personality, when a person complains about some thing that is given free of charge and not mandatory to use. Also, typing in big letters (caps) is considered as shouting and far more disrespectful than mageia not fulfilling their “promise” regarding release dates.

      If you would truly care about mageia and eventual loss of user-base due to delays of releases, than you would raise your comments in a polite and respectful manner. Manners!

  11. Pete10 says:

    Let’s be lenient, the dates are estimates and Mageia people are doing a good job. Why not praise their efforts to do the best they can? After all, they have been giving us this great distribution all these years 🙂