Out with the old MADb and (almost) in with the new

UPDATE: It is now possible to visit the new MADb here https://madb.mageialinux-online.org/. It will take a bit longer for https://madb.mageia.org/ to link to it.

Written by aguador.

In Mageia, MADb, the Mageia App Db, has been an essential tool, particularly for QA (Quality Assurance) testers. It is the goto site for information on applications in our repositories with links to bug reports, priorities for updates, version comparisons and more. Searchable by Mageia version and CPU architecture, the site has not only been key for developers and testers, but many users as well who have found it an alternative to searching with our MCC control center or the command line when looking for a package to do (“whatever”).

But, er, “Houston, we have a problem.” If I go to MADb (https://madb.mageia.org/) all I got was the error message below and now a redirect to this post!

MADb was not affected by the move of Mageia’s servers announced on this blog (https://blog.mageia.org/en/2024/10/08/most-of-our-servers-will-be-offline-because-they-are-relocating/) early this month because it was originally developed by two of our contributors many years ago, and running on a different server. Mageia.Org took over ownership of their rented server a few months ago. Unfortunately, that server passed away and since the technology behind the old MADb is not compatible with newer infrastructure (mostly newer php-version), we cannot bring it back as it was. However, not all was lost!

Back in April, papoteur had submitted his initial work on a new version of MADb for testing…and since then it has undergone numerous revisions and improvements. However, it still remains “under wraps” for most users (like the author of this post!) until everyone, above all papoteur, is satisfied that it is not only a solid db interface for users, but is even better than before.

Since MADb has played such a vital role in testing, the development version is available to the QA team and other testers. It is only fair that they get the first look and use given all the work they do to assure that Mageia remains a quality distro. The rest of us simply need a bit more patience.

Ah, and not to forget the servers, not only was the move successful, with the other services affected now back up and running smoothly, but we expect to announce more good news about our servers, soon. Apart from that, most Mageia mirrors are in a good shape (they are all hosted on external servers, which we do not control).

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