Everyone at Mageia is very happy to announce the release of the next step in the path to Mageia 6.
The first stabilisation snapshot, as the name suggests, aims to start bringing everything together and getting the new software stable enough for release. Most of the big updates since dev1 have been moving from beta/RC releases of major software components to stable ones, which will hopefully give a nicely polished feel to the release.
GRUB 2 is now the default bootloader as GRUB Legacy has finally run its course. We have also fully switched from KDE 4 to Plasma 5, as well as solved issues with localisation. The switch to GRUB2 led to the need for updates to our tools and installer which took some tuning to get right, as we wanted to make sure that the release was functional for testing.
The Live media are now available. However, due to increasingly limiting constraints of the medium’s size, the LiveCDs have been abandoned to the profit of the more complete LiveDVDs, thus allowing for a fuller distribution of the desktop ecosystem to be available. The installation media will be available as normal (note that for similar reasons, the dual-arch DVD provider in earlier releases has also been dropped).
We have already entered version freeze, so the package versions seen here will likely be the major versions shipped with Mageia 6, although we aim to update to the 4.7 kernel branch for better support of new hardware and a longer support cycle. We hope that this will offer the perfect blend of freshness and stability.
Mageia 6 sta1 ships with the following:
- Linux Kernel 4.6.3
- Glibc 2.22
- Plasma 5.6.4
- GNOME 3.20.3
- MATE 1.14.1
- Cinnamon 3.0.1
- LibreOffice
- Firefox 45 ESR
- Thunderbird 45
- Chromium 51
Full release notes are available here.
The ISOs are available for testing on the Mageia website, or if you prefer a specific mirror, the list is available here. While we are hoping that this release is getting closer to a fully stable and usable release, please remember that it is still a pre-release and is early in the Mageia 6 release cycle. So, for any bugs that you find, we would appreciate a report on our Bugzilla so that we can get them fixed for the final release. The ISOs have been fully tested by our QA team so we hope that they will work well for you.
If you would like to get involved in QA testing, ISO testing or any other part of Mageia, have a look at our Contribution page for ideas on how you can help. We always welcome new contributors.
We look forward to hearing your feedback.
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Awesome many have asked where is staging 1 isos now they are here,good job thx.
Thanks to all mageia comunity.
Im really happy using Mageia.
Pingback: O próximo passo para a Mageia 6 está aqui, STA1 foi liberado | Mageia Blog (Português)
You’re all amazing!
Thanks a lot for this step !
Pingback: Linux News Today: Mageia 6 Is Getting Closer to a Final Release, Could Ship with Linux Kernel 4.7 | Blog Emka
Pingback: #Mageia 6 Release Notes https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Mageia_6_Release… | Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊)
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Two thumbs up! Excellent work!
Great work again folks. I just can’t stop using mageia. Tried a lot of distros but I got so addicted to it that it’s a no turn back point now . After all I’m a user since Gaël times , even with Conectiva distribuition available , which enter into the family just a while after , I prefered to use mandrake and I have to say that Mageia keep up that spirit that made Mandrake , Mandriva and now Mageia a great distro for all users.
Oh man, why is it so difficult for you to ship it with the patched kernel instead of the official one??? It is far much better!! BFQ! Paolo Valente. Why are you all such a hard nugget??
The default kernel is meant to be have a wide use set, so while BFQ may be great for desktop use, it does have its issues – for what its worth, we do have a kernel with the patchset – install kernel-desktop-tmb-latest to follow that kernel line
Because different is very little anymore between cfq and bfq.
In my system bfq is worst with performance cfq beats it 100-0.
Pingback: Der nächsten Schritt in Richtung Mageia 6 – sta1 ist veröffentlicht | Mageia Blog (Deutsch)
yeah, thats just it, 95% of linux users are from desktop. Linux for servers is myth. Now ppl are using it mainly for desktop. You could at least put both on booting, so users will select at boot which one. How hard could this be? In stead of shipping with more apps per task… Cmon get out of your cave, “linux only for servers” is gone, linux is now on desktop, survey your visitors.
It wasn’t that I was saying that it was intended for servers, more that the kernel is intended for a wide usage case.
You can file a bug about this, I find it a very valid thing to raise.
But for what its worth, I fully agree that the majority of our users are on the desktop.
Yes , of course , mageia could be the legal follower of windows . Microsoft is dead – because of windows is dead . The Germans saying Microsoft including all users became “windoof” .
What i like on mageia is choosing some alternatives . On desktop . Every time i want .
What i like on mageia is a fully DVD with all what i could need , but mostly never need .
Desktops are mainly extincted or otherwise lost . Desktop-PC is an oasis in a desert land .
Raspberry had sold over 8 million Pi’s ,the powerful starting of microlinux-Inc. worldwide !
Don’t forget !-
A plant needs 1 million plants to be able to propagate himself in the surroundings .
Ask: How many “plants” have maGeia ?
IS ? would be in future the intelliGaia of PC ?
how to raise a file bug?
The bugzilla is here – https://bugs.mageia.org/
Pingback: El siguiente paso hacia Mageia 6 está aquí, STA1 se ha liberado. | Mageia Blog (Español)
@ Otto
why dont you give us your specs? I’m on a toshiba sattellite u300, hdd on ata, 2gb ram and without custom kernel, work louzy! Heard the main kernel sucks on other desktop machines as well, whats yours?
I am not going to discuss here any of my laptop problems,use bugzilla search tool to find those.
File bug and assing it to thomas backlund aka tmb who is kernel maintaner if you wan’t boost to default kernel.
There is few bug reports in bugzilla that default kernel is not good to desktop systems anymore.
Have somebody seen that new f….. ugly dark blue colored artwork same color in every release artwork 1 2 3 4 5 6 ????? have we any other colors in this world than blue. ?
Mageia is ok but when it comes to artwork it have ruined look of distro to one of worst distro ever no any other bootsplash themes are available only some ugly dark blue colored.
Mageia need to work better to suiting other users needs too not all of them like me wan’t dark blue colored artwork in every release.
The artwork process is completely open, I don’t recall seeing any other comment from you other than this one that you didn’t like the artwork that was chosen, don’t recall you voting on any of the images, so if it is this important, then that was the time.
As for additional boot themes, there are plenty that can be selected from sites like kde-look, if there are any that you feel we should include, can you send me a link and I will look at getting them packaged.
Again that’s not my point why those default artwork need to be so dark colored. ????
That artwork voting just sucks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Other distros have plenty plymouth themes in kde look i found with Mageia logo two of them caledonia and this both of them is over 3 years old.
Because thats what the majority of people vote for? If it sucks so much, how would you choose the artwork?
If you give an image that is suitable and fits with the Mageia colour palette, then once there is time, I’ll do a light theme.
WHICH “majority” of people vote for ? Vote for what ? And: Majority of WHAT ?
ONLY voters are voting . It does not matter what voters vote for . The “voters” are a MINORITY of special peoples , which have nothing other to do than looking and voting , and again looking and voting !
Do you really think the most mageia-users are all so stupid that they cannot choose their own “artwork” ? Let’s have a little sidelook at “makulu” on one side and windows on other side . Makulu IS purely artwork , it has his own flavour with a very very unique styling and “features” like the quote of the day . It is not possible to copy a unique thing because of it is from the same Mould . Too many cooks spoil the broth .
Windows is the MOST awful styling of all OS , most people will saying . But it is the only OS with most eyefriendly surface . This is one of the reasons why windows was used in every office . You can look hours of hours on your monitor , but your eyes will not get tired . This is “The shades of the grey” . In the age or period of windows the monitors are also PC-white , which is very eyefriendly and colour-neutral .
Today the monitors are mostly black which enhances the colour-contrast . This encouraged the age of ubuntu (12?) . Very stylish , very new . Perfect for linux-sniffers .
What could we learn from this short excourse ?
NOBODY needs a predefined “artwork” (or OS-distributor for getting succes )!
Keep it simple ! As simple as the UNIX-inventors propagates . And Bill Gates propagates !
The users will always find their own ways to get what they want .
Mageia is Desktop , Raspberry is microlinux , Debian is serverplanting , and windows is the holy shit between this holy chairs
The non-correctable mistake is always changing the surface and look and feel .
Keep it simple – Keep it structured – Keep it always reliable .
The user will see from miles away : THIS is a “mageia” .