Finally Mageia 4 RC release is out! After many nights working on remaining nasty bugs, the isos are now available in your favourite public mirrors.
Thumbs up QA team for the patience and determination for a really long journey until this RC release. This was nearly the last run for the final release.
This Release Candidate (RC) includes lots of bug fixes on packages, hardware support, installers (both classical and live one).
Please take some time to test it as it’s the very last chance to fix release critical bugs. You can find some more information here:
- Download Mageia 4 RC
- Mageia 4 RC release notes
- Mageia 4 RC errata
- Help on reporting bugs
We are waiting for your feedback and hope you will enjoy.
You were suposed to be the chosen one!
bbswitch is in the repo but still no bumblebee? bbswitch is a part of bumblebee.
Will there, maybe in Mageia 5, be Nvidia Otimus Support?
Hi Chris!
I have been looking into packaging bumblebee properly for Mageia 4, but couldn’t make it in time. I plan to fine tune the package and have it included in the backports for Mageia 4 as soon as they open.
Feel free to drop an email about it on Mageia’s “discuss” mailing list, I’ll get you a Mageia 4 RPM for bumblebee.
Pingback: Vencemos a batalha contra bugs e a guerra quase! | Mageia Blog (Português)
Pingback: Vencemos a batalha contra bugs e a guerra quase! | Portal Mageia do Brasil
Good job QA and Dev team, will download and test it asap…
Pingback: Abbiamo vinto la battaglia contro i bug e quasi la guerra! | Mageia Blog (Italiano)
Pingback: Magiea 4 RC release delayed
Pingback: Mageia 4 RC disponibile al download! |
Pingback: Mageia 4 RC ya disponible
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Por favor incluyan WINE en esta edicion!
WINE siempre ha estado disponible desde los repositorios
En los repositorios esta muy bien, todo software ahí esta muy bien, pero instalado o pre-instalado es otro cuento, no me fue posible instalarlo en Mageia 3 (64Bits) porque no fue posible resolver conflictos con algunos paquetes, y lo mismo al instalar los codecs de vídeo, No dejen a magueia incompleto con la excusa de que están los repositorios disponibles, Lancen un S.O. Completo y listo para usar inmediatamente luego de su instalación y verán que se hará popular rápidamente e ira a ser el mas usado, mageia puede serlo por su medio de instalación en DVD (bastante software incluido, Pero le hacen falta paquetes fundamentales: Codecs, Wine, Etc). Tengan en cuenta esto, van por buen camino a hacer un linux mas unificado (Una distribucion linux con todo inluido) lo que facilitara su uso por todo tipo de usuario al rededor del mundo!.
Pingback: ¡Hemos ganada la batalla a los errores, y casi la guerra! | Mageia Blog (Español)