Mageia meet-up and talk at FOSDEM 2017

FOSDEM (Free and Open Source Developers’ European Meeting) has always been Mageia’s event of choice to get together with the community of contributors (and yes, in the Mageia world users definitely count as contributors too). This year’s edition, like always in Brussels, Belgium, will be yet another great occasion for us to meet and discuss Mageia together.

No stand…

There is one small disappointment for us though, in that the FOSDEM staff could not accept our usual request for a Mageia stand. They always get way more demands than they have stands available and need to make some difficult decisions. We are not the only Linux distribution to be left on the bench this year, and this is fully understandable; as the open source ecosystem grows and reaches well beyond the scope of Linux distributions, there are many new cross-platform projects which prefer FOSDEM as a way to reach their own communities.

… but an official talk!

On the plus side, we will make up for the lack of an official stand with a talk in the distributions devroom by two Mageia team leaders, Anne from the dev team and Samuel from the bugsquad, titled “Mageia, successes and lessons learned 6 years after forking“. For those who can’t make it, the talk will be recorded and the videos will be shared by the FOSDEM staff as soon as they are ready; for those who can, here are the details:

  • Mageia, successes and lessons learned 6 years after forking – Retrospective and future plans from the community-driven distribution
  • Speakers: Anne Nicolas, Samuel Verschelde
  • Date: Saturday @ 12:00
  • Location: Room K.4.601, ULB campus, Brussels
  • More info: FOSDEM page

… and many Mageia contributors present nevertheless!

Many of us will still be attending FOSDEM even though we don’t have an official stand, so please have a look at our wiki page if you intend to come to Brussels for the occasion, as we’d definitely want to see you to talk about Mageia and develop the important discussions that our Mageia presentation should definitely trigger!

There will likely be a Mageia dinner on Saturday, which is a great occasion to take some time together and have friendly discussions in a calmer environment than the buzzing FOSDEM halls! We may also have a room for some time at FOSDEM for a short real life meeting all together – we will post more information about it on the wiki page as soon as it’s confirmed.

In the meantime, stay tuned for more information about Mageia 6 and the upcoming 2nd stabilization snapshot. We know that our communication has been lacking lately and we are working to share more of the details about our ongoing work with you. Thanks for believing in our great distro. You will soon see that Mageia 6 was well worth the wait!

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5 Responses to Mageia meet-up and talk at FOSDEM 2017

  1. Pingback: Зустріч і доповідь щодо Mageia на FOSDEM 2017 | Mageia Blog (Україна)

  2. Pingback: Mageia se reúne e conversa no FOSDEM 2017 | Mageia Blog (Português)

  3. Pingback: Mageia Treffen und Vortrag auf der Fosdem 2017 | Mageia Blog (Deutsch)

  4. Pingback: Mageia se reúne y habla en FOSDEM 2017 | Mageia Blog (Español)

  5. Albert says:

    Un article interessant sur le blog de Frederic Bezies (fidele de Mageia depuis le debut): Mageia 6… Ou comment tomber de Charybde en Scylla ?

    A ne pas manquer pour quiconque s’interesse de près ou de loin à cette distribution.