Author Archives: Donald Stewart

Announcing Mageia 7 Beta 3

Everyone at Mageia is very happy to get the final beta release before Mageia 7 out for testing! We all hope that this release builds on the quality of the previous two beta releases and that with the extra tests … Continue reading

Posted in community, Mageia, QA, release | 21 Comments

New Mageia 7 Artwork

As many will have no doubt noticed, there has been an artwork contest running for Mageia 7, and then lots of voting in the community to choose the artwork! This has all finally concluded and we will start to integrate … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | 13 Comments

Mageia 7 Artwork Voting

The artwork contest is now closed, firstly, all of the people that gave their time to make and submit so many excellent pieces deserve our thanks, it is really appreciated, they will make Mageia 7 look excellent. So now we … Continue reading

Posted in artwork, Atelier, community | 11 Comments

Announcing Mageia 7 Beta 1

Everyone at Mageia is very happy to get the first step towards Mageia 7 released! Mageia 7 beta 1 comes with lots of exciting changes and updates, and while a beta with lots of development work, it has been a … Continue reading

Posted in alpha, community, Mageia, QA, release | 22 Comments

It’s Artwork Time – Mageia 7 Artwork Contest is Open

As with every release, the artwork for Mageia 7 comes from you, the great community that supports and makes Mageia possible. It’s time to start the process of getting Mageia 7 ready for release, updating all of the artwork and … Continue reading

Posted in artwork, Atelier, Collaboration, community, Mageia | 5 Comments