Try Mageia 1 Beta1 right now!

As has been stated in the Mageia roadmap, Mageia 1 Beta1 is now available for tests. The first Mageia stable release is planned for 1st of June (which is now quite near!). Our focus is always on improving distribution content but also lots of work was done on localisation support (locales, main applications, Asian locales). Core packages versions include: kernel, KDE 4.6.1, GNOME 2.32, Firefox 4.0, … More information is available in the release notes and web announcement.

For Beta1, the Mageia team has set up an easy page to help you download the ISO’s: have a look at the download page. Also note that torrents have been set up for Beta1, grab the relevant .torrent file from here. 2 Live CDs will be available on mirrors, on 7th of april the latest.

Update: as we have issues at the moment on live build, we will delay for some days live cds release. More information soon.

Once again we need your feedback to improve quality:


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21 Responses to Try Mageia 1 Beta1 right now!

  1. Pingback: Teste o Mageia 1 Beta 1 agora! | Mageia Blog (Português)

  2. Pingback: Mageia 1 Beta 1 : OSMSG

  3. Pingback: Probeer nu Mageia 1 Beta1! | Mageia Blog (Nederlands)

  4. Pingback: Essayez Mageia 1 Beta1 dès maintenant !

  5. Pingback: Вышла первая бета-версия Mageia 1.0, форка Mandriva Linux | – Всероссийский портал о UNIX-системах

  6. wb says:

    Unfortunatly this beta doesn’t work with my vmware player.
    It installs fine but I can’t logon. I get prompted for a user name and password over and over. I’m sue I’ve got the correct password because when I enter an incorrect password I see the error message “logon incorrect” Probably some vidio card related problems.

  7. Chris says:

    Ooh, very nice. I installed the dual arch CD on VirtualBox OSE in PCLinuxOS and it seems to be running very nicely. I went with the default settings on install (I like LXDE, so that’s fine with me) and I’m liking it. The last releas I tried was the alpha 1 and this one seems to be more stable. I’ll put it through its paces, though, and see how it really handles. 🙂

  8. Marty says:

    Hi: I tried the 32-bit 80MB boot.iso on VMWare workstation 7.1, a Del Vostro 410 and a Dell Vostro 220s with no luck. The boot character mode messages (which BTW looked a lot like Red Hat types) kept saying (to paraphrase) it couldn’t find the CD-ROM I was booting it from (odd in that he did so enough to find the messages telling me it couldn’t find the CD-ROM!). Anyway, I’m downloading the dual image CD as I type this, so perhaps I’ll have better luck there. I’m a Linux dev myself and am willing to help test as long as I know what I’m supposed to test (and how to and what to expect when I test).
    Looking forward though as I’m a die-hard Mandrake>Mandriva user!

  9. 木如熙 says:

    I’m waiting for the “2 Live CDs”.
    one day ,one hope~

  10. Pingback: Linux News » Try new Mageia 1 beta 1!

  11. Marjana says:

    Is it possible for any of these ISO downloads to be put to USB key and boot and install from USB key?

    • wobo says:

      Yes, they are hybrid isos, just use
      “dd if=name_of_the_iso.iso of=/dev/sdx”
      where ‘sdx’ is your usb key

      I tried it with the 64-bit dvd iso. Works.

  12. Adam says:

    I hope the LiveCD’s are ready today 🙂

  13. Pingback: Mageia 1 beta 1. | ANDRE Ani et GNU/Linux

  14. shankar says:

    need the live CDs to test . cannot download the DVD.

  15. luthfiemka says:

    CD edition please, i tought mageia have to considering to expand to developed country…

    • ennael says:

      You can use dual iso which is a CD. Live CDs are coming soon hopefully (bugs to be fixed as said in update of blog post)

  16. Pingback: Gnome 3 Released! No More Android Rooting? Myst Online Open Source! | This Week In Linux

  17. Pingback: Mageia 1 Beta1 Available for Download Now |

  18. Pingback: Mageia 1 Beta !’i Hemen Deneyin! | Mageia Blog (Türkçe)