We’re the Mageia community, and we are very happy to announce the release of Mageia 2!
We’ve had a great time building our community and our new release, and we hope you enjoy using it as much as we enjoyed making it.
You can get started right now – see what’s available, choose your version and download it from http://www.mageia.org/2/.
To find out more about Mageia 2 – what’s new and what’s going on in the Mageia community – read on:
What’s new in Mageia 2?
Mageia 2 is a completely new release; you can check the Release Notes to learn more about what’s inside.
You can also take a look at the list of packages upgraded from Mageia 1, by checking the Mageia Apps Database:
Why would you choose Mageia?
Good Software
Mageia 2 is built from the best Free and Open Source software with a constantly expanding choice of apps – there is something for everyone’s taste.
Here are some of the nice things included in Mageia 2:
- KDE 4.8.2 – KDE 4.8.2 SC, the current release of the popular KDE desktop
- razorqt 0.4.1 – The latest release of the new lightweight Qt desktop
- Sugar
- GNOME 3.4.1
- XFCE 4.8.3
- Digikam and Showfoto 2.6 – The latest release of these leading photograph management systems
- VLC 2.0.1 – The latest version of the popular do it all media player
- Flash Player Plugin 11.2 – Up to date and secure version of Adobe’s popular web content player
- Skype – Easy installer for this common VOIP client
- Firefox ESR 10 – Long Term Support version of the Firefox Browser
- Chromium Browser 18 – The latest version of the Open Source upstream project for Google’s Chrome Browser
- GIMP 2.8 – Featuring the all new single window interface
- Amarok 2.5 -Popular media player written in Qt
For more information, check the Release Notes for the complete list.
Great Community
Mageia is a community as well as a distribution. This means that you can be part of the teams putting your distro together; your voice is welcome as we work out where Mageia is going and how we’re getting there.
Mageia is all about communicating. We talk together on IRC, on the forums, on the wiki, on mailing lists; we meet often, and we welcome your feedback on Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Identi.ca, Diaspora…
We’re a community distribution and we’re very happy for companies to be part of our community. We’ll even credit you!
Join us – be part of making your software the way you want it.
Open Support
Mageia’s bug reporting system is open to everyone, as are the mailing lists and community support, making it easier for you to have your voice heard and follow what is happening – and you don’t need to subscribe or pay to have access to the fully tested and prompt security updates.
Nice New Clothes
Not only has Mageia’s look been updated, but the appearance of applications has been unified, giving a smoother appearance regardless of desktop:
Welcome to Mageia 2!
Now let’s make some noise
bravo !
Great! Congratulations!
just a note, the date written in the download link (at the home page) is wrongly written as 12 may..
This is short writting for 2012
sorry, neglect my comment about the date!
A wonderful and very successful work.
Thanks Mageia team.
Pingback: Mageia 2 is out
Cada día van mejorando más, Felicitaciones!!
Congratulations! I Love Mageia!
The KDE preview looks charming, congratulations for the release! :).
I have been testing/upgrading Mageia 2 since beta 3. It has been very solid.
Question, how long will Mageia 2 be supported?
Release cycle is nominally 9 months, with a support cycle of 18 months. For more info see here: https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Rapport_moral_2011. The info is in the Packagers Team section.
Muchas Gracias Mageia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Por Fin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
At least!!
Welcome Mageia 2
Good news! Happy downloading and upgrading guys!
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Lha iki ra sing tak enteni..
wis njedul… langsung download !
Pingback: Nosso bebê está crescendo: Mageia 2 está aqui | Mageia Blog (Português)
Great Stuff! Will try this out!
Gr8! I thinks i should replace Ubuntu 12.04 by Mageia 2. Yahooooooooooooo!!!!
Proud of the team – great job!
A very big thanks for me, looking forward to the weekend to upgrade
Big thanks from me, not for me ^^
Download finished, checksum matches … let’s give this a try! Thank you, Mageia.
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I’m disappointed, I wanted to see nouveau by default and also KDE 4.8.3.
Why include Firefox 10 when Firefox 13 is about to get out? It’s just around the corner.
Please don’t tell me “stability” because I use KDE 4.8.3 and Firefox 122 in archlinux every day and it’s more stable than previous versions.
Not trying to say Mageia is bad, it’s pretty good, but it can be better.
Because we are using Firefox Extended Support Release.
ok thanks
ESR – it’s a good choice, I’m using it at work
Stability is far more important than some minor features.
And also a lot less work for security updates, and QA.
What the hell are you talking about?
Go look at this if you don’t believe me:
according to colin, the bug was fixed with a backport, if not I’m sure there will be an update
Pingback: Mageia 2 | OSWorld.pl
Pingback: Релиз Linux-дистрибутива Mageia 2, в рамках которого развивается форк Mandriva | AllUNIX.ru — Всероссийский портал о UNIX-системах
Excellent work. One of the best if not absolutely the best of all the Linux distros. Congratulations.
KDE 4.8.2 is not the current release, the current release is 4.8.3 which fixed a nasty bug for kmix, please provide an easy way to upgrade.
gran trabajo! a mi me funciona mucho mejor que Mint, Ubuntu, etc.
si tengo instalada la RC ya me vale? tengo que volver a instalar?
Translation according to Google:
“Great job! Works better for me than Mint, Ubuntu etc.
If I have installed the RC and it is ok for me, do I have to reinstall?”
No, just update the RC now, then delete the Cauldron repos and add the Mga2 ones.
Congratulations on the new release. I will try it today and am sure I will like it. I hope mageia 3 wwill switch to grub 3.
Congratulations on the new release. I will try it today and am sure I will like it. I hope mageia 3 wwill switch to grub 2.
Not me, glad you guys held back there….Any plans to put KDE 4.8.3 on the testing repo?
yes or .4 .5 but no date for now
Congratulations to the team, and thank you for an excellent release. The KDE edition looks very good, and I know that I will enjoy using it.
Pingback: Новости компьютерного мира - Релиз Linux-дистрибутива Mageia 2, в рамках которого развивается форк Mandriva
Pingback: Mageia 2 正式发布 | Mageia 中文博客
Thanks a lot for your work!!! Super!!!
Pingback: The Magic Continues « Colin.Guthr.ie
Pingback: Релиз Linux-дистрибутива Mageia 2, в рамках которого развивается форк Mandriva : Записки начинающего линуксоида
Pingback: Mageia 2 arrives with GNOME 3 and systemd »
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Pingback: Mageia 2 ya esta disponible | Gustavo Pimentel's GNU/Linux Blog
I’m constantly undecided on what distro to use… but now, i’ve find a home in mageia 2! Congratulations for the excellent work. This is a ‘must-try’ distro…
I just replaced Ubuntu 12.04 LTS and Linux Mint 13 maya (LTS) with Mageia 2. Will I have an LTS for Mageia 2? or Can i just upgrade when Mageia 3 comes? I wanna have a stable system not to uninstall, install and reinstall distros.
Excellent distro though… Go for Mageia 2!
Yes, upgrade from Mageia 2 to Mageia 3 will be supported. No decision that I am aware of has been taken so far regarding a LTS version. The main criterion being what our packagers and QA Team can handle. We already are passing from one release to maintain (Mageia 1) to two (Mageia 1 + Mageia 2), so let us absorb the new workload and then we can see if a LTS is realist
And there’s a way to make it happen: help us
QA team’s work is not hard but needs some time, we test every update candidate to the stable releases, security fixes, etc., so the more people we are, the more likely it is that we can have a LTS version!
Pingback: Die Neuerungen: Mageia 2 ist veröffentlicht | TechBloggers
Pingback: Mageia 2 | aboutos.ru
Great Mageia 2!!
Some screenshots here: http://linuxscreenshot.netsons.org/mageia-2/
Congratulations. I wonder now that Mandriva is moving to a community distribution rather than corporate-owned if Mageia and Mandriva will merge. It seems like a good idea to me, less duplication of effort. But I haven’t used Mandriva for a few years and don’t really see the point for myself. I’m comfortable with apt and Ubuntu just released a version that will be supported for 5 years on the desktop, upgrading every 18 months is a PITA (I’d rather see a new Mageia version every year supported for 2+ years).
See previous post, http://blog.mageia.org/en/2012/05/21/mageia-comes-full-circle/. Mageia will not merge with Mandriva and will remain a full community distribution.
i love this distro! got it on 3 computers and it runs great.. everything works and no broadcom wireless issues.. thats usually a hit or miss with some linux distros ..thank you so much mageia, for the free time you guys put into a great distro.. we appreciate it alot.
what music player widget is that?
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A wonderful and very successful work.
Thanks Mageia team.
Pingback: Cauldron is boiling again: never 2 without 3 | Mageia Blog (English)
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