Weekly roundup – 2017, week 10


This week saw a huge milestone for Mageia 6: the release of our second stabilisation snapshot, “sta2“. It is the product of 8 months of work since the previous milestone, sta1, and the quality has improved a lot! The majority of the feedback on the release has been excellent, which is always great to hear. We are now getting much nearer to the final release of Mageia 6.

Shortly after sta2 was released, we pushed the new FFmpeg 3.2.4 upgrade to Cauldron. Our previous branch was 2.8, which was slowly getting a bit old and might have been difficult to maintain during the whole lifetime of Mageia 6. Since FFmpeg 3.0+ brought various API changes, we had to spend some time fixing the “reverse dependencies” (i.e. the packages that depend on a given library) of ffmpeg – this work is now mostly finished, in big part thanks to patches taken either from upstream projects or from other distros.

Another upcoming update for Cauldron is for the complete KDE stack: KDE Frameworks 5.32, Plasma 5.8.6 (already in core/release) and KDE Applications 16.12.3 (currently in core/updates_testing and will soon be moved to core/release).

Other big updates that landed in Cauldron: Mesa 17.0.1, VirtualBox 5.1.16 and the preparatory work for Firefox 52.0 ESR!

Some work has also been started to review the list of packages installed by default for each DE via the meta-task package, which had not been done for a long time. Some old, obsolete packages will no longer be installed out of the box, which should also help make the ISOs slightly smaller.

To give a general impression of what’s boiling in the Cauldron every week: since our last roundup on March 3, more than 500 packages were submitted and built on our buildsystem! This was a particularly busy week though with the KDE and FFmpeg updates. If you’re curious, you can always check the activity of the last two days on pkgsubmit.

Mageia 5

This has been a quiet week for Mageia 5 as no updates were pushed (yet). Many were tested though and you should soon get security updates for Flash and VirtualBox 5.1.12, as well as potrace, flac, wavpack and libquicktime, to name a few. As always, if you are curious about the way we test updates and would like to lend a hand, do not hesitate to get in touch with the QA team.


Team elections are also still ongoing, with the various teams at different stages, so if you are part of the many teams we have, look out for the votes or calls for candidates, if they haven’t come already. Once we have completed all of them there will be a blog post about the new Council, with luck, this will also come on a non sta2 time scale 🙂

We will also have a stand at the Chemnitz Linux Days 2017 which starts tomorrow – read more about it here. If you’re in the area it’s a great opportunity to meet some contributors and talk Mageia, Linux and all things Open Source.

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10 Responses to Weekly roundup – 2017, week 10

  1. Pingback: Тижневий огляд — 2017, тиждень 10 | Mageia Blog (Україна)

  2. Pingback: Ronda Semanal 2017 – semana 10 | Mageia Blog (Español)

  3. Pingback: Weekoverzicht – 2017, week 10 | Mageia Blog (Nederlands)

  4. Raskal says:

    Well done guys! Thank you for your hard work!

  5. Pingback: Resumo semanal – 2017, semana 10 | Mageia Blog (Português)

  6. Pingback: Wöchentliche Zusammenfassung 2017 – Woche 10 | Mageia Blog (Deutsch)

  7. Trevor Lyons says:

    I have to say that sta2 is incredible! It was worth the wait!!! 🙂

  8. Pingback: Chronique hebdomadaire – 2017, semaine 10 | Mageia Blog (Français)

  9. egc says:

    I hope Audacity will work fine with the new ffmpeg 🙂

  10. Dusan says:

    It is working very well. Thanks for your hard work.