Final release approaching now: RC available for last tests

Here it is! This is the last development release before the first stable version of Mageia. Again we are in time, thanks to the hard work of all the community.

You can choose and download your favourite edition. This release is mainly about bug fixes and translation updates. Live CDs should be available in the coming days.

Time is short now but still you should have enough time for some final tests! Important things to check in the few days left before the official release:

  • How does the upgrade feel like, starting from Mandriva Linux 2010.1 and 2010.2 to Mageia 1 RC? see our upgrade test page;
  • Are your computers and peripherals properly recognised and handled by Mageia?
  • How does the installation process feel like to you? (see our testing procedure).

Mageia 1 stable will be available in 13 days! Stay tuned!

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31 Responses to Final release approaching now: RC available for last tests

  1. Pingback: Se acerca el final de un viaje: Mageia RC ya disponible « ext4 Blog, el rincón de Malcer

  2. Pingback: Versão final se aproximando agora: RC disponível para testes finais | Mageia Blog (Português)

  3. Carlos Felipe says:

    One question: Can I create a live usb? unetbootin?

    • Chris Daly says:

      Yes you can ! Simply download Unetbootin then select Mageia as the iso image for Unetbootin to construct, which takes a few minutes. Change the boot order to USB at F2 Bios. As early as Alpha 1 Mageia could be loaded to USB
      using Unetbootin, and I successfully had it running on a 10.1 inch Asus netbook. One final bit of praise Mageia runs on a 286, 300mb RAM, so its very user friendly to different devices.

  4. Pingback: La release finale si avvicina adesso: la RC è disponibile per gli ultimi test | Mageia Blog (Italiano)

  5. Pingback: Mageia en RC. | ANDRE Ani et GNU/Linux

  6. byakuya says:

    Very good guys .. for sure I´ll be testing this RC version while waiting for the final

    Thanks again and keep up with the great work 🙂

  7. xiaq says:

    Will there be a Live edition, like beta2?

  8. ItsAMe says:

    Thanks for the hard work guys!
    Will check it out and i am looking forward to the final release in a few days 🙂

  9. Pingback: Mageia 1 RC Available, Final Not Far Off | PHP World

  10. Priscus says:

    To Carlos Felipe:
    A simple dd is enough to create a live USB.
    As root: dd if=mageia.iso of=/dev/sdX bs=4M
    where magia.iso is the iso image and sdX is your USB key (not the partition, the key itself). bs is for block size, and not stricly necessary.
    It will destroy all data on the key, so take the usual precautions (and choose the right /dev/sdX, or another disk will suffer).

  11. Ed Marlow says:

    Will the wireless installation allow a connection to a network that does not broadcast the SSID? I hope you have not used Network Manager without ‘tweaking’ it.

    Have to ask, not really practical to try the RC — my connection speed would result in a 22 hour 19 minutes download for the iso.

  12. gabsd84 says:

    Keep up the good work guys. Been testing since Beta 1 in a virtual environment and have been quite impressed. Will do a full install on a machine soon. 🙂

    Quick question…can anyone tell me if BOINC will make it into the repositories at some stage?

  13. Pingback: Кандидат в релизы Mageia 1.0. Выпуск Mandriva 2011 задерживается | – Всероссийский портал о UNIX-системах

  14. isadora says:

    Smooth installation.
    Flash installed after clciking link in YouTube video, to download Flash.
    All without to much intervention.
    Worked around in de desktop, and feel very content for what i see so far.

    Compliments, beautiful job with magic intentions.

  15. Gary Fitz says:

    If install RC, must I reinstall when Mageia 1 stable is available ?

    • wobo says:

      No. Just keep updating until Mageia 1 is released.
      The day it is released you should change your media to the stable version otherwise you may go on with following cauldron.

  16. Andrew says:

    What kernel is this running? Any support for switchable graphics?

  17. Dave Postles says:

    I’m using the KDE desktop, but I wondered whether the Gnome desktop is Gnome 3 or 2. I assume that there is no LiveCD, so I can’t check without installing, which I’d prefer not to do unless it is Gnome 3. I’ve almost been converted to Gnome with the transformation in Gnome 3, although I traditionally use a lighter desktop (and I realize that there is LXDE, but I’m just interested in Gnome 3 now).

    • wobo says:

      Gnome 3 may be an option for next Mageia – if enough packagers are volunteering. In Mageia 1 (due June 1st) we will supply current Gnome 2.x. There will be LIveCDs for Gnome and KDE for Mageia 1.

      • Jin-tong says:

        Is there any chance so far that we can have Live CDs with Asian languages (e.g., Traditional Chinese) for Mageia 1 RC? I am really looking forward to them.

  18. Pingback: Meego 1.2? Gnome 3 Could Go Linux Only? Virtualbox Works With Gnome Shell! 0 a.d. Updated! | This Week In Linux

  19. Lance D. says:

    I was wondering, will Mageia be getting PLF support, or will there be another avenue to getting “restricted” apps and codecs ect…

    • wobo says:

      No need for a 3rd party repo like PLF because Mageia is not a commercial company like Mandriva. Mageia repositories show three branches: “core” (holding all free software), “non-free” (holding all non-free software like proprietary drivers, etc.) and “tainted” (holding software which may be problematic to use in certain countries, that’s what PLF is for Mandriva).

      • Lance D. says:

        good deal, thanks for the info, I have been a Mandrake/driva user since 5.3 Festen and I want to support the people who are in the trenches that made Mandriva, ant to me that would be the Mageia team.
        Looking forward to the new and interesting things that will be implemented that Corporate oversight wouldn’t allow.

  20. Nishant says:

    When will Live CD’s be available? Please make live CD’s available early when 1.0 release.

  21. Robi says:

    I’d like to try RC of Mageia distro but I’m still waiting for LiveCD’s. Could anybody anwer me when? I’m afraid of that there will be no RC liveCD’s but only final relese LiveCD’s. THX

  22. Jose Manuel says:

    Where is the Live CDs? I want to test this version before installing the last version. I installed OpenSuse 11.2 with KDE and I had problem with the temperature of my laptop. If I test your distribution with VirtualBox I cannot know whether I have the same problem with Mageia. Regards.

    • wobo says:

      Final release is coming up in a few days, rest assured that there will be the usual supply of Live CDs.

  23. a-atalla says:

    Does it has the mklivecd tool from mandriva ?