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Category Archives: packager
Weekly roundup 2017 – week 14
Infrastructure So sadly the big news this week is the outage of two of our servers for needed upgrades. The status of the services that are down can be read here. Our sysadmins have been hard at work, already pushing … Continue reading
Posted in Atelier, community, packager, QA, release, security, sysadmin, Weekly roundup
Weekly roundup – 2017, week 10
Cauldron This week saw a huge milestone for Mageia 6: the release of our second stabilisation snapshot, “sta2“. It is the product of 8 months of work since the previous milestone, sta1, and the quality has improved a lot! The … Continue reading
Posted in community, Mageia, packager, QA, Weekly roundup
Weekly roundup – 2017, week 9
Given how well-received last week’s roundup was, we are continuing to deliver news about what is happening in Mageia. Cauldron Tests by the QA team showed that the infamous partitioning bug (mga#20074) we have been fighting with for several months … Continue reading
Posted in community, Mageia, packager, QA
Our warm thanks to a long time contributor and friend
It is with a heavy heart that we address our warmest thanks to our friend Thomas Spuhler for his Mandriva and Mageia contributions over the last decade. After fighting colon cancer for over a year, he finally had to surrender … Continue reading
Posted in community, Mageia, packager, They Make Mageia
Dandifying Mageia – Adding the DNF stack to Mageia
There’s a lot of good things coming to Mageia 6: KDE Plasma 5 desktop, updates to other desktop environments, many new games, and a fresh coat of paint with a new visual style. However, there’s quite a lot of under-the-hood … Continue reading
Posted in Collaboration, Mageia, packager