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Category Archives: users
So you are not good enough to contribute?
This blog post is especially written for those among us who could free up some time to contribute, but refrain from doing so because they think they are not good enough.The last section is for former and current packaging apprentice … Continue reading
Posted in Collaboration, community, Mageia, packager, team, users
Tagged community, contribute, mageia, packaging
Known issues with upgrades from Mageia 5 to Mageia 6
Since the release of Mageia 6 last week, there have been several reports about issues with upgrades from Mageia 5, particularly for users upgrading from KDE 4. While that is not surprising due to the complex nature of the upgrade … Continue reading
Posted in Mageia, release, users
Dandifying Mageia, Part 2
In our previous blog post on “dandifying Mageia” (nearly a year ago!), we introduced DNF in Mageia 6 to the world. Since then, we’ve been keeping pace and tracking upstream development in Cauldron. By working closely with upstream and being … Continue reading
Posted in Collaboration, Mageia, packager, release, users
Announcing Mageia 6, finally ready to shine!
The whole Mageia community is extremely happy to announce the release of Mageia 6, the shiny result of our longest release cycle so far! It comes with many new and exciting features, a new range of installation media and the … Continue reading
Posted in community, Mageia, release, users
Weekly roundup 2017 – week 13
Cauldron The big Cauldron news is that ISO testing for Mageia 6 RC is well under way, new images were generated that will hopefully fix the EFI implementation and some grub config issues. Gnome 3.24 will be available on the … Continue reading
Posted in bugsquad, community, Mageia, QA, release, users, Weekly roundup