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Category Archives: team
Read all about it! Introducing the Mageia documentation team
When you discover a new distro, you can explore the different menus and tools and find out what is familiar and what is new to you. But you also need some more detailed explanations of the different features which are … Continue reading
Posted in Documentation Team, Uncategorized
Happy Mageia New Year!
To all Mageia people around the world, wherever you are, summer or winter, we hope 2013 is a great year for you – and we plan to make it a great year for Mageia! Looking back… 2012 was a pretty … Continue reading
Wow! Where did the time go? We’re 2!
Back in September 2010, when Mageia was born, we had big dreams for our baby distro. It’s great to be able to say: our dreams are coming true! What’s happened since our first birthday? We released Mageia 2 and have started … Continue reading
Posted in events, Mageia, packager, QA, team, users
Tagged community, contributor, developers, development, join, mageia
Mageia 3 features: process and choice
As said in a previous post, people are now back to work, focused on Mageia 3 release. So it was time again to define the specifications for the coming release. We then thought it was time to improve the process … Continue reading
Mageia at JDLL 2011
The JDLL took place in Lyon, France on the 18th and 19th of November. Mageia was there. The JDLL (« Journées du logiciel libre », i.e. “Free Software Days”) are an annual event organised in Lyon by ALDIL (a Lyon-based … Continue reading